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Alice A. · February 25, 2018 at 3:13 pm

It’s really annoying whenever I open a blog or article and a sign-up window keeps popping up every 30 seconds or so. Sometimes I wonder if it’s really a good idea to include this in your site because more and more people now are getting annoyed by it.

Yeah I get it. You want people to sign up for your newsletter but what exactly are you offering?

I think it’s great that you have enough information to help your readers and subscribers. Authors and publishers should consider writing tons of helpful articles backed by research before even asking their readers to give away their personal information.

So kudos to you, well done!

    Chase Chandler · February 26, 2018 at 8:42 am

    I agree – pop-up windows don’t work. I’ve never signed up for anything that way – if people like what I have to offer, they’ll find it easy to sign up themselves 🙂 and I love offering as much transparent information as possible! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Appreciate the feedback!

Jack Taylor · March 2, 2018 at 1:08 pm

Your wife is awesome and a true hero. I donate to St. Judes and Shriners hospitals and wish I could give more. I signed up for your news letter and agree 100% about the decline of society. Each generation since the dawn of the 20th century has been a de-generation. Classical music and true science along with a strong moral compass is what society needs FAST!


    Chase Chandler · March 4, 2018 at 2:57 pm

    Hi Jack – thank you for sharing your thoughts! I’m glad you signed up for the newsletter and appreciate the kind words. We all have to do our part in sharing good morals and positive vibes. Appreciate you taking the time in sharing your two cents. Take care and I look forward to hearing more from you!

Natasha · May 30, 2022 at 5:38 pm

As I tried to subscribe a window popped up saying” that’s odd… This page is no longer here”

    Chase Chandler · May 30, 2022 at 6:51 pm

    Thank you SO much for letting me know about this – I have just fixed it (it was due to an html code error). Can’t thank you enough for taking the time to comment and let me know.

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