Your skepticism is understandable.

I, too, was not a believer, but after my recent free numerology reading, I’m starting to understand the popularity.

I’ve tried a number of numerology reports over the years, because hey, I’m always interested to hear potential insights about myself – but after trying, I am beginning to appreciate “numerology” on a whole different level.


If you’re skeptical, like I always am, I understand you need more reason to just try a supposed “FREE” numerology reading. 

Free Numerology Reading

So for all you out there wanting a reason to trust the link above, I’m here to help.

Click here for your own FREE report, or continue reading to learn about why the source of this report is trusted. Here at, I always do my research and never lead my readers in the wrong direction – to the best of my ability! So I invite you to read up before providing your information to

The organization of this article:

  • Overview
  • Pros
  • Cons
  • Credibility

Numerologist Logo


Ever wanted a few insights into your personality?

Or possibly answers into why you behave certain ways?

Do you desire more success in your life?

Answers to these questions can be found through many different sources. For a growing population, numerology is a source for such questions and more!

Want an accurate numerology report now? All you need to provide is this information:

    • Your full given name
    • Your birthdate
    • Your marital status

Click here for your free numerology reading from a trusted source! offers a truly FREE report that goes into more detail than I originally expected. By taking a bit of information you provide, their automatic algorithms build a report tailored quite accurately to each user (my wife and I tried it and it was scary accurate).

Their JavaScript, animated and customized presentation of your FREE numerology report is beautiful and easy to follow. As you fill in a few bits of information, each section is presented in the same location for easy access – no need to navigate to any other page! And a voice narrator shares with you all the information you’re looking for in a FREE reading.

When I say free, I truly mean FREE. 

Here’s everything this report comes with:

  • Life Path (birthday number and interpretation)
  • Expression or Destiny (full name number and interpretation)
  • Soul Urge (number and interpretation)

Numerologist Report

If you’re wondering why I’m talking up this report with such a positive review, I’d like to invite you to read the “Credibility” section below.

Want the best free numerology reading right now!? Click here!

Otherwise, keep reading!

Numerology Report


A lot of landing pages for websites are somewhat put together and keep you interested for only a few minutes, but is different.

I found myself on it for an easy 10-minutes! And then I couldn’t help but invite my wife to do it, too. And then maybe put in my friends’ information to see into their “secret” selves (I don’t care if it’s wrong, I was curious!).

Here’s a few quick bullet points for the reasons why I appreciate their setup:

  • Beautiful interface
  • Serene meditation music
  • Intriguing graphic design
  • Clear and understandable narration
  • Closed captioning
  • Gorgeous background animation
  • Single interactive interface to receive report
  • Live comments and feedback below
  • Large website to dig deeper into the company
  • No need to check your email for the report – they provide the reading on the same page

The overall experience is very impressive. The creative team behind this interactive reporting system really paid attention to detail from the graphics to the clarity of the narration.

As a musician, I found the music inviting and atmospherical. As a vocalist, I found the narrator amazingly well-spoken and pleasing to listen to (even after 15min!). The graphic design aided in drawing me into a world of mysticism and insight.

I found the philosophy of numerology to be very friendly thanks to’s cohesive and beautiful approach.

Personalized Numerologist

Every explanation was relatable and each interpretation was well explained. I really was impressed by the whole experience! Especially because it was free and there’s really no harm in trying it.

I actually am really glad I did, because I found it to be informative and risk-free. The only contact info you give them is your email and from there you can cut ties if you want to, but I’d highly recommend going a step further!


These “cons” are very picky details that maybe some wouldn’t notice, but I feel every little thing matters. Especially when your asked to spend money at the end.

  • Heavy loading at first (a lot of JavaScript)
  • Comments aren’t too insightful
  • A few design/animation flaws but nothing too distracting
  • After the free report, they do invite you to spend a bit ($37) for more information about your numerology report

I don’t blame them for, as they put it, “drawing the line.” They do give quite a bit of information out for free, so for $37, it’s more than worth diving deeper for more.

There aren’t too many cons, but of course the biggest one is they do ask for more money if your want a “full” report. But keep in mind, the “free” information they give is to prove their credibility and quality. And the amount they give is more than enough to help decide the value of their “full” report.

So although it is a way to draw in more customers, the free numerology reading is completely worth it and fully risk-free with no personal information except your birthday, your full name, and an email address of your choosing. And no, you do not have to check your email address in order to receive your report (this being an important “pro” to take into consideration).


So. My wife and I both tried their FREE numerology reading, because we were both genuinely interested.

Seeing the system work through two reading, one after another, was very helpful in determining the quality of the supposed “reading.”

I found that between the two readings, there were far more differences than I expected. The only “repetitive” text was for more informative directions or instructions.

All other information was truly unique to each of our separate life path’s, expression numbers, and soul urges.

Name Numerology

They advertise this report as “shocking.”

Let me share a few insights as to why it was “shockingly” accurate for us:

  • My wife is a nurse and it stated “when there’s a dirty job that needs to be done, you aren’t afraid of doing it.” ACCURATE.
  • It stated that I’m determined: “you can sit down and work until a project is done properly”. ACCURATE.
  • It stated I have a strong calling to “work independently as a scientist, writer, or scholar.” ACCURATE, well as far as I know – some evidence can be found in this website!
  • My wife wants to be a charge nurse and it stated “you find yourself in leadership positions in work and in relationships.” ACCURATE.
  • It stated I have “unparalleled creativity and am willing to work hard to make your dream-life come true.” ACCURATE.
  • It stated that I’m somewhat of a mystic: “you have the rare ability in understanding abstract concepts and chase after philosophies, maybe even mathematics.” ACCURATE
  • For both my wife and I, it stated that we’re pretty picky when it comes to romantic partners and know what we want. ACCURATE.

*There are a few more accurate tellings into our lives that were a bit shocking, but it’s a little too personal to share publicly here in this article.*

But let me assure you that, although I don’t really “believe” in astrology or numerology or mumbo-jumbo, I did find this report truly interesting and more than anything, intriguing.

I love numbers, because numbers don’t lie!

So calculating numbers from our lives is rather… cool. For lack of a better term.


Ask yourself – is a few minutes worth experimenting with a credible source for numerology readings?

The answer is yes! I mean, why not? I am never one to shy away from experimenting with possibly insightful tellings of my life, future, karma, destiny, personality, IQ, etc. So for only a few minutes here and there, I have fun learning about different approaches in finding extra information about the world and myself. I might experiment through astrology, numerology, or philosophy, but I have yet to be persuaded by one school of thought enough to follow it with 100% faith.

So far though, especially after this report, I find an intense amount of intrigue for numerology and the application of algorithm, numbers, and systems.

Like I said, numbers don’t lie.

So for me, finding numbers in things is a fairly cool concept – albeit difficult to prove scientifically though.

All in all, it is well worth your time to receive one of the best FREE numerology readings out there, so no need to research anymore – get your free report now from!

I’ve ran through the process twice now and each time it has been completely free and hasn’t asked for any other information besides my name, birthday, and email. Totally risk-free!

SO HAVE FUN. Experiment a little and take some time to learn about a new way of thinking!

Numerology has been around since Egypt and Babylon!

And this is according to the earliest written records, so numerology might be an even older tradition. You might as well learn about this tried and true form of deep insight!

After all, it’s thousands of years old. It can’t be all false – right?

What do you think? Is taking this free numerology reading worth the time? Please share your thoughts in the comments below! I’d be happy to read each and everyone of them!

Thanks for reading and best of luck with your numerology reports! If you’d like to hear more from me, feel free to sign up for my newsletter!

If you’re interested in philosophy, I invite you to read a few more of my articles:

Thanks again! Take care!


June 2018


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