I’ve ran my own 501(c)(3) non-profit before, built plenty of websites, promoted my musical creations online, and the like – but I’ve NEVER come across such an inspirational and empowering online community like WealthyAffiliate.com (WA).

After over 5 years of climbing the ranks to be one of the top 1,000 members on WA, I’ve truly found that IT IS possible to build a passive income stream.

Wealthy Affiliate - How I Made It Happen

It is truly the entrepreneur’s dream. And I’m sharing this information as a member, not an “employee” or salesman of WA. They’ve been around for 15+ years with an amazing lesson program and a caring, real community that helps breathe life into the online platform. They’ve also continued to improve the site and now offer AI tools to help the community. 

It’s a real testiment to the owners’ ability to shift with the times and stay on top of what ACTUALLY works in today’s market.

People like you and me keep the community growing – the founders Kyle & Carson even chime in now and then and continue to help!

"I would not be where I am today in my online marketing knowledge if it wasn't for my continued studies with WA! Thank you so much for teaching REAL results."
Chase Chandler
Founder of MusicalGrowth.com

The founders of WA actually care about everyone’s performance and progress. 

Kyle, a co-founder, has personally reached out multiple times and had even encouraged me when I was first starting out (I had posted a short blog stating my worries, frustrations, and hopes). 

Keep in mind there are over a million members on this site, so it’s amazing the co-founders are that involved to reach out to individuals like myself.

    • Getting started
    • Building traffic
    • Making Money
    • Mastering Social Engagement
    • Achieving Maximum Success
    • Getting Your Business Rolling
    • Content, Keywords and Conversions
    • Giving Your Site Social Value
    • Get Visual, Get Aesthetic
    • Knowing Your Audience
    • Bing, Yahoo, and The Power of PPC
    • How to Scale Successful PPC Campaigns

Never feel alone. There is always someone to chat with or answer your questions.

    • Host up to 25 websites with specific domains
    • Host 25 SiteRubix domain websites
    • Unlimited email and users
    • SiteContent Templates
    • Comment system of giving and receiving website comments
    • Site feedback system of giving and receiving website feedback

Powerful tool in keyword research (find out how many people search for a keyword and what your competition is via Google search engine, etc.)

    • Free SSL (https inclusion)
    • Free site security (spam blocker)
    • Free SiteSpeed
    • Features include: SiteHealth, SiteSupport, SiteSecurity, SiteFeedback, etc.
    • Already installed plugins to optimize your website

My Story

I’ve taken business classes, entrepreneurial classes, studied up on “Business for Dummies” and podcasts (EntreLeadership for example). I’ve looked into social media strategies, marketing campaign building, how to close sales, elevator pitches, and the like. I’ve even tried my own experiments with “how online trends” work and it takes FOREVER.

Don’t get me wrong, anyone can learn anything on their own. But having professionals teach you the “trick-of-the-trade” can expedite the process 10-fold!

Honestly, I am not the best salesman – I recently tried helping a startup company with cold calls and it was HELL for me. But writing and genuinely sharing my opinion feel so much more natural to me. Therefore, it is a lot more fun to do affiliate marketing!

If you’re curious, you can read my “About Me” page.

I’ve seen success stories posted online and annoying ads where people state the “ease” of access to an online fortune made by passive income. They always make it seem so tangible.

So for the longest time I felt I could work hard enough to make that “success story” happen for myself, but I never really knew how to approach these online ventures.

It’s hard to tell where to start!

My point is, I’ve done a lot of searching but never trusted a program or educational service enough to give them MY OWN money. I am very cautious when it comes to seemingly “amazing” online opportunities – it took me years to find the right trustworthy program for me.

REAL opportunities
are NEVER “get-rich overnight” schemes.

Online affiliate marketing IS easy and proven to work as long as you keep up consistent levels of productivity (whatever that means to you). We all know you work hard, everyday, just to pay for rent – just like I do. Before WA, 90% of my income went toward paying my apartment rent.

After only 5 weeks on WA, I began making sales and earning REAL cash from my hard work. Which is almost unheard of! (I’ve read numerous articles about when the “first sale” happens after starting a blog with average affiliate marketing strategies and for the majority, it takes around 3 to 6 months for the first sale). WA helped me cut nearly 5 months off my initial expectation.

Here's a real screenshot
off my Amazon Affiliate account:

DISCLAIMER: The past month I’ve not worked very hard AT ALL. This also doesn’t account for my other affiliate accounts such as ClickBank, Share-a-Sale, BuddhaGroove, Etsy, etc.

My 2018 earnings in my first year as an affiliate marketer (as of Nov 30, 2018):

  • Share-a-Sale ($101.57)
  • ClickBank ($77.40)
  • Amazon ($42.75)
  • Etsy ($10)
  • Fiverr ($104)
  • CopyWriting ($25)
  • Client Connection ($1,400)
  • TOTAL: $1760.72

Interesting facts about my first year:

  • The first 3 months (Jan. to April), I wrote 50 articles!
  • The next 7 months (May to Nov.), I wrote only 18 articles.

**** Keep in mind, I didn’t work nearly as hard as I could have ****

Though I got busy during 2018 and my productivity for MusicalGrowth decreased, I still was making money on the side! I eventually settled to writing AT LEAST one article a week, which is nothing compared to some amazingly productive members on WA.

The amount you make is directly correlated to the amount you work!

Some members on WA write far more than I do now, producing maybe 3 to 4 articles a week! So the moral of the story is, if you want to make more than I did my first year, work harder than I did!


I understand you skepticism. I do. BUT, I am a real person, writing this article on my couch in my overly-priced apartment in California. I, too, am trying to find ways out of debt. Because the truth is, I’ve never had extra money. Like most, I have always lived paycheck to paycheck. I am so excited to finally see my hard work pay off through affiliate marketing for the chance to make some extra money on the side.

And the best thing is, all the hard work I invest into affiliate marketing goes directly back to me. I am not working toward another corporation – I’m working toward helping myself in the long run.

After reading The Automatic Millionaire (which I highly recommend by the way), one of the greatest things you can do for yourself is build a passive income stream. Anything will do, but it all takes time. Even the financial “bible” entitled, The Richest Man In Babylon, states the same thing and this book has been around since 1926! And it also taught the same thing – put your money toward things that continue to make money.

  • Invest in yourself by learning from WA
  • Ask questions 24/7 and never feel alone
  • Know that you’re taking action for the future

So will WealthyAffiliate make you money? It sure can, but only with hard work and determination. And while I agree that nothing in this world is easy, WA makes online passive income the easiest to learn and implement as quickly as possible. Do the work and pay off later – the easiest recipe for setting yourself up for success.

How It Works

WA offers 5 courses with 10 lessons each that explain everything you need to know to get your online business up and running, including in-depth strategies for online marketing and successful affiliate partnerships.

You could potentially know absolutely NOTHING about web design, web hosting, or sales and you’d be completely fine – WA covers everything you need to know down to each individual setting with each setting proven for maximum success.

Each lesson’s detail is incredible and it’s the main reason I eventually joined myself (they offer the first course free of charge as a “test drive,” before you buy).

Wealthy Affiliate teaches you how to “make it happen” with an online business through their extensive education courses with articles, videos, and to-do/checklists. You can ask questions every step of the way and find people who are on the same page as you (always nice to feel part of a group).

My Recommendation

I’ve spent years searching for something like WA and now that I’ve found it, I’ve felt inspired and motivated to work hard ever since I joined. Which is almost as priceless as their material itself!

If you have any curiosity about:

… then I would highly recommend checking out Wealthy Affiliate.

Many people on the site are sick of the rat-race and have begun to take action. Some are even broke with no other financial option! I always refer to it as a community, because I feel we’re all in it together – trying to figure out the best way to make a living off online avenues as quickly as possible. And not to mention the amazing stories that are shared of people WHO HAVE made a living off of affiliate marketing.

Below is a preview to the site:

And those who HAVE “made it” with affiliate marketing actually stay in the community to help others “make it” too. Such a testament to the power of WA’s community. I’m really grateful for everyone on WA who has helped me so far!

I’m more active on WA’s social platform than I am on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc., just because there is always feedback to be received from everything you post.

Working on online projects can get lonely and discouraging at times, but WA allows you to reach out to others and receive feedback within seconds (due to their I.M. chat system). Everyone on WA are REAL people who care and are just as dedicated as you. It’s truly something I try not to take for granted

The Benefits

Here’s the information you’ve been looking for – I know.

Every product and every service needs to list the “benefits” to answer the question, “what’s in it for me?”

Just keep in mind that when you read the list below, remember that I am a REAL person who has experienced WA first-hand and I’m currently writing this article at my wooden desk in Aliso Viejo, CA with my morning tea to my right. In other words, the content you’re currently reading is made my a real human being (NOT a company or corporation).

The benefits of joining Wealthy Affiliate:

    • Getting started
    • Building traffic
    • Making Money
    • Mastering Social Engagement
    • Achieving Maximum Success
    • Getting Your Business Rolling
    • Content, Keywords and Conversions
    • Giving Your Site Social Value
    • Get Visual, Get Aesthetic
    • Knowing Your Audience
    • Bing, Yahoo, and The Power of PPC
    • How to Scale Successful PPC Campaigns

Never feel alone. There is always someone to chat with or answer your questions.

    • Host up to 25 websites with specific domains
    • Host 25 SiteRubix domain websites
    • Unlimited email and users
    • SiteContent Templates
    • Comment system of giving and receiving website comments
    • Site feedback system of giving and receiving website feedback

Powerful tool in keyword research (find out how many people search for a keyword and what your competition is via Google search engine, etc.)

    • Free SSL (https inclusion)
    • Free site security (spam blocker)
    • Free SiteSpeed
    • Features include: SiteHealth, SiteSupport, SiteSecurity, SiteFeedback, etc.
    • Already installed plugins to optimize your website

Out of all the website hosting platforms I’ve tried (SiteBuilder, GoDaddy, Weebly), Wealthy Affiliate amazingly offers everything you could possibly need wrapped up in a single monthly price. No need for add ons or extra payments (apart from purchasing domain names – $13).


From my years of experience searching through online hosting platforms and business education services, Wealthy Affiliate is by far the most versatile and well constructed site.

If you join, you literally have EVERYTHING you need to create and maintain an online business. Which is SO EMPOWERING.

Before WA, I wasted SO MUCH TIME researching website design, web hosting, email platforms, marketing strategies, etc. But now if I have a question, I search WA libraries or ask a new question and receive an answer within minutes.

This means more time can then be spent on content creation and website improvement.

So. I truly hope you consider Wealthy Affiliate. Stop wasting time searching for other sites that promise online success, because WA has a proven track record of over 10+ years.

Best of luck with everything and I hope you found this article useful! Message me on Wealthy Affiliate if you end up trying it out! My username is TCChander 🙂

Still curious about my current website? 

Look at examples of my Most Popular Articles on MusicalGrowth that helps bring in 400 visitors per month. 

All thanks to what I’ve learned from 

Wealthy Affiliate!

Thanks for reading and reviewing my commentary on WA. I hope you found this article helpful as you research which programs to join – if you don’t choose WA, that is completely fine! No matter what, I wish the best in your endeavors to find financial freedom through online ventures.

Feel free to leave a comment or a question on this article and I promise I’ll read it and respond ASAP!

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Thanks again for stopping by,


*Originally published on Feb. 27, 2018 

*Updated on Nov. 30, 2018

*Updated again on Sept. 14, 2019

*Updated again on March 21, 2024


Prabakaran · February 27, 2018 at 9:51 pm

Great post about Wealthy Affiliate. My story is also same as yours. I started websites and then quit because of I never found a platform like WA before. Now after finding and joining WA, I have launched 2 websites, of which one is ranking high other one is new. Really I enjoy working with WA and 24 hours is not enough for me since I have employed 11 hrs a day. After Joining Wealthy affiliate there is no turning back at all. Wonderful platform.

    Chase Chandler · February 27, 2018 at 10:56 pm

    Great to hear from you. Wonderfully put, I have felt the same. Wealthy Affiliate really keeps things going as far as motivation. It makes it really easy to stay productive and on task. Thanks for sharing your story! Appreciate you chiming in.

Michel · March 21, 2024 at 8:00 am

Wow, you were very lucky to start earning 5 weeks into your business. It took almost a year before I saw my first sale. But I realise now that the more time you put in the more you get out, and this grows over time exponentially.

It definitely helps if you have a lot of time to devote to an online business, but for most people who start up, it is going to take longer as most work a full day and do it as a side hustle.

The point is don’t give up, even if it takes a little longer, as the rewards are well worth it.

    Chase Chandler · March 21, 2024 at 8:56 am

    You’re very right – I definitely worked very hard giving a lot of time until I saw the first sale! I wanted to make sure it could work – although life gets in the way sometimes, it is nice always to have this on the side! Even when I have another job to devote my time toward. I appreciate the comment and it’s great to hear a bit about your story as well. Seems it works for everyone as long as there’s consistent work and a commitment for the long haul!

Sariya · March 22, 2024 at 3:23 am

Hey thank you for this post, really appreciate it!

I am looking for ways to earn income online but it is a bit of a struggle especially when you can’t fit it in your schedule currently. 

I enjoyed reading your post about your success plus the evidence too, it really is motivating. Wealthy affiliate is a great platform to begin whether you are new to the online journey or a pro, it is for everyone!

Thanks for sharing this amazing information and have a great day!

    Chase Chandler · March 22, 2024 at 5:28 am

    Hi, thank you for the comment! I agree that it is difficult to fit this into a current schedule, but even a little, however consistent, is good to invest here and there as it will only help in the future. Best of luck and let me know if I can help at all with Wealthy Affiliate!

Clair · March 23, 2024 at 1:07 am

This is a great read.
Thank you for breaking down the website to a point of understanding. Its so hard to find true information that is raw from companies these days.
Thank you for sharing your real time breakdowns as it shows the evidence to support your blog.
Before jumping on board I will continue to look into your site a little further to see if this is the right path for me.

    Chase Chandler · March 23, 2024 at 2:12 am

    Thank you for letting me know! I’m glad you found it useful and I hope you find success online.

aya bekhit · March 24, 2024 at 3:23 am

The income is amazing! This website really helped me read your story and understand how helpful it is and how much you could be making. There is a question however, If you were to stay very consistent, would you be able to make a passive income, or is this job mainly a ‘side hustle’?

    Chase Chandler · March 25, 2024 at 10:27 am

    That’s a good question! My main task at the beginning was to work hard until I saw income coming in – mainly so I could prove for myself that this is real. So it really comes down to time investment- what you put in will be what you get back. Many people go for it 110% for 6+ months and find that it makes enough for a full time job. It works especially for those who are good at marketing! So keep pushing forward and trust the process. WA really helps keep things going too!

Dean Priestley · March 25, 2024 at 2:17 am

Great article! I found your insights on earning money online through affiliate marketing very enlightening. The personal journey shared adds a genuine touch and makes the process relatable. I appreciate the emphasis on hard work and consistency, as it aligns with the reality of building a successful online business. Thanks for sharing your experiences with Wealthy Affiliate; it sounds like a supportive platform for beginners and seasoned marketers alike.

    Chase Chandler · March 25, 2024 at 10:22 am

    Aw well thank you for the feedback and support – I’m glad you found some of my main points in the article! It’s nice to hear it has helped highlight some helpful and unique things. Best of luck with your own journey through online marketing!

Marios Tofarides · March 26, 2024 at 5:06 am

Hey there,

This post on earning online money and saving time is a goldmine of practical tips and insights. The emphasis on automating tasks, utilizing productivity tools, and exploring various online money-making methods is spot on. The real-life examples and success stories are inspiring and add credibility to the content. Thank you for sharing such valuable advice—I can’t wait to implement these strategies and maximize my online earning potential while saving time.


    Chase Chandler · March 26, 2024 at 10:21 am

    Hey Marios, thank you for the reply! And I appreciate your feedback – I’m really happy to hear you found this article so helpful (and I agree that the automatic tasks are definitely time-saving strategies!). Best of luck on your endeavors and I hope you find success yourself. Please let me know if ever you need any help!

Jeff · March 27, 2024 at 8:18 am


    This was a great article about Wealthy Affiliate! I think I am maybe about a month and maybe a half into it right now I am enjoying the experience of blogging, using the AI programs to help create my thoughts and feelings, and beyond. I know I have to get back on track with “studying” and learning from the classes, but still enjoying the experience. I really enjoy the community feel that this program brings to the table. Was there at any point where you started to get disappointed with not seeing results right away? Although everyone has been quite helpful with preparing me on a timeline of when you can expect results. It’s hard not to get out of that “disappointment mode” when things don’t happen right away. Also, was it difficult to sign up for any of the affiliate networks? Some I haven’t heard back from yet.

Again, thank you for this awesome post. I like how you were to interweave it into your niche.


    Chase Chandler · April 3, 2024 at 7:05 am

    It definitely varies on the affiliate networks, but I’ve always heard back from some (though it takes up to a few weeks sometimes). I was disappointed in not seeing results a few weeks in, but that was because I devoted so much extra work that I was tiring myself out! I would be disappointed that my hard work wasn’t effectively getting sales – but with online marketing, there’s nothing to do sometimes except wait for things to build. Online growth is different than we expect sometimes – it’s digital so we often think everything won’t take very long, but just like real-life connections and sales, it takes time to build trust. In this situation, it’s trust between the website and Google or the marketer and the social media audience. But, in time, all this can strengthen and never really go away (from what I’ve seen!). Best of luck with your own adventures in affiliate marketing! Let me know if ever you need help.

earlofpearl · March 28, 2024 at 8:07 am

This article exudes an infectious enthusiasm for the empowering community and comprehensive resources provided by WealthyAffiliate 

It’s truly inspiring to see how individuals have found genuine success and support within this platform. Here’s to the boundless potential and opportunities awaiting those who take the leap and join this vibrant community!

You really have nailed it when coming to explaining this platform, it was very comprehensive and helpful to me, might not have the same luck that you have, but it sure is worth giving a try after this clear read on how WA works and what success you can achieve there.

Thanks much, keep writing.

    Chase Chandler · April 3, 2024 at 7:01 am

    Thank you very much for the feedback and positive support. I think “luck” is a matter of perspective – I’ve always learned luck is when opportunity meets preparation. So keep pushing forward and working hard, and things will eventually work out. Just remember to work efficiently and not JUST work hard. Best of luck to you!

Stacie · March 30, 2024 at 8:10 pm

You have highlighted so many positive aspects of Wealthy Affiliate in this article. I am impressed with your first sale being in a short 5 weeks. I do see that you say some people have waited 3-6 months and maybe some have waited longer. But the thing is they eventually start making money at some point. 

To me, this says the process that is taught at Wealthy Affiliate is solid.

I see all the positive things you have said about the community and courses, are there any drawbacks to joining Wealthy Affiliate? Just curious before I try my free trial.


    Chase Chandler · April 3, 2024 at 6:59 am

    Yes! That is definitely the takeaway, that money is made at some point if determined work is maintained. I would say, the only downside for those starting or continuing a business that makes very little, is the price for WA. It can be quite expensive for a one-person team, but the tradeoffs are worth it. It is easy to compare other website hosting platforms that charge much less and think it’s worth saving the money, but with WA, there is much more that comes with just the website hosting like SSL certificate, website speed improvements, site support, comment system, and the community as a whole. It makes the investment go much further in the long run because you, yourself, become more effective as a website manager and affiliate marketer. Thanks for asking and I wish you the best of luck – let me know if you need anything else from me! – Chase

Troy Blanchard · April 2, 2024 at 12:06 pm

Hi there

Thanks for the informatice content.

As a fellow affiliate of WA I can more than agree with your recommendation of this amazing program.

Your journey through business and entrepreneurship education resonates deeply with many aspiring professionals like myself.

Like you I have also tried to explore diverse avenues, from traditional courses to podcasts and personal experiments. It was truly challenging.

 Your honesty about struggling with certain aspects, like cold calling, is refreshing and relatable – it takes courage to acknowledge areas for growth. Moreover embracing your strengths, such as writing and sharing your authentic opinions, demonstrates a profound self-awareness crucial for success. Indeed, affiliate marketing seems like a natural fit right.

    Chase Chandler · April 3, 2024 at 6:55 am

    Hi Troy, thanks for reading and stopping by. It requires a lot of patience and research to come across something like WA, since there can be SO much material out there to have to shift through. But I’m glad to hear your agreement on the power of this program. I definitely have heard similar things from others, too. Best of luck with everything and hope to hear from you again.

Gary · April 4, 2024 at 1:09 pm

Hi Chase,

Chase, your article provides a compelling and personal insight into your experiences with Wealthy Affiliate, effectively highlighting the platform’s supportive community, comprehensive training, and the real financial success it has enabled for you and others. Your narrative, enriched with personal anecdotes and transparent sharing of success metrics, underscores the value of joining Wealthy Affiliate for anyone looking to achieve online financial independence. The way you’ve detailed your journey, including the challenges faced and the growth experienced, offers both inspiration and practical advice to readers considering the affiliate marketing path. Your transparency and the motivational tone of your article make it an engaging and informative read, showcasing the potential of Wealthy Affiliate to empower individuals in their entrepreneurial endeavors. Great Job!!


    Chase Chandler · April 5, 2024 at 1:55 am

    Well, thank you so much for saying so, Gary! I appreciate you letting me know and dropping a comment. It’s very encouraging and I’m so happy to hear you took so much from this article. Thank you for your kindness!

Raymond · April 5, 2024 at 6:01 am

Interesting reading. I had a very big problem in understanding how to choose a niche and create helpful content around that niche. It really did not make much sense at the time such that I decided to quit WA. But I kept on getting emails from Kyle then I got back. Now I have 6 articles ranked by Google. I am working flat out to write more articles. That’s my experience with WA.

    Chase Chandler · April 6, 2024 at 5:41 am

    Thanks for sharing – your experience definitely highlights the importance of consistent work and quality articles. Glad things are going well for you and I wish you the best of luck moving forward! 

Linden Thorp · April 7, 2024 at 6:34 am

Hi Chase, this is a touchingly honest article. It really got through to me and even though you’re preaching to the converted,  I would definitely explore WA as a result of your authenticity!  

I agree that it’s the best all-in-one platform around and the monthly/yearly cost is very reasonable. I joined in November 2023, but it feels like home so I’m here for life! I’ve accomplished so much in 4 months s a direct result of all the motivational systems, especially article creation – I’ve managed to write 150 in 4 months and create 4 websites from scratch. And learned so much about all the moving parts of online business along the way!

I don’t have any problem working hard with WA as my foundation, and, as you say, if I have a problem or question it’s cleared up almost immediately! Kyle, one of the founders, is a good friend now and always makes time to help me!

So, well written and faithfully revised! I’m sure you will elicit many clicks with this compelling article!

Blessings and Success.


    Chase Chandler · April 11, 2024 at 5:20 pm

    Wow, well thank you for your kind comment and reply to my article. I’m so happy by what you’ve said, because I truly did want to have an honest article out there to help people find their way to a great foundation (like you put it). Glad you’ve found success and inspiration from WA and I’m truly impressed by your work ethic! That’s a lot of work in just a few months. Great to hear from another member of WA. Thanks for dropping a comment.

Kyle Jensen · April 8, 2024 at 6:28 am

This article about WealthyAffiliate really strikes a chord, especially as a dad constantly on the lookout for ways to not just earn a bit on the side but also teach my kids about the value of hard work and entrepreneurial spirit. The emphasis on a supportive community and continuous learning is quite inspiring—it reminds me of the cooperative spirit found in gaming communities where everyone’s eager to help each other level up.

I’m particularly drawn to the idea of earning through affiliate marketing, given it seems like a skill that could align well with my interests and something I could potentially involve my older child in as a learning experience. It’s fascinating how online platforms can offer such robust learning environments, somewhat like immersive video games do with strategy and problem-solving skills.

The mention of “real results” and avoiding “get-rich-quick schemes” is reassuring. It’s a reminder that, much like in gaming, progress requires patience, strategy, and sometimes a bit of grind. However, I’m curious about the balance—how do you find the time to dedicate to building an online presence while ensuring quality family time, especially with young kids at home? Any tips for integrating learning and earning experiences in a way that’s engaging for a family would be greatly appreciated.

    Chase Chandler · April 11, 2024 at 5:24 pm

    I can see the comparison between WA and the gaming community. In a way, having all this online, it does sort of feel like a game of affiliate marketing! And it is very true that everyone wants to help. It would be a great learning opportunity, I would say, to show how hard work can pay off. I did the bulk of my work as soon as I started on WA and 6 years later, I’m still reaping the benefits. So it is well worth the introduction! As far as the balance, I think everyone is a bit different. But my biggest advice would be to try and work on self-awareness of burnout. If you catch yourself before you start feeling overworked, then you can maintain a level of work ethic for much, much longer. Another positive about WA and affiliate marketing is that there’s no real deadline. Work on things when you can – which could mean very little every day. But the real take away is consistency. Best of luck! And feel free to reach out if you need help.

Ashley · April 10, 2024 at 11:30 pm

Reading about your experience with Wealthy Affiliate is so refreshing, especially considering my own struggles with affiliate marketing in the past. I’ve tried other programs before, and let me tell you, it was a nightmare. The lack of support, unclear strategies, and feeling like I was just throwing my money away left me feeling discouraged and defeated.

But your article has piqued my interest in Wealthy Affiliate. The way you describe the supportive community, the comprehensive training, and the genuine success stories is truly motivating. It sounds like Wealthy Affiliate provides everything I’ve been missing in my previous attempts at affiliate marketing. I’m excited to give it a try and see how it can help me finally achieve the success I’ve been striving for.

    Chase Chandler · April 11, 2024 at 5:28 pm

    That’s great news! I’m glad you’re going to give it a try. And agree with you that there are a lot of BAD experiences just waiting for those willing to try just any program. Fortunately, WA is not just any program, but one of the best (if not THE best) out there for affiliate marketing. So I wish you the best of luck and I hope you have a great experience that helps you forget the bad ones in the past. Thanks for leaving a comment!

Tarek Mohamed · April 11, 2024 at 4:25 pm

It is truly the entrepreneur’s dream. And I’m sharing this information as a member, not an “employee” or salesman of WA. They’ve been around for 15+ years with an amazing lesson program and a caring, real community that helps breathe life into the online platform. They’ve also continued to improve the site and now offer AI tools to help the community. 

It’s a real testiment to the owners’ ability to shift with the times and stay on top of what ACTUALLY works in today’s market.

I’ve tried many methods to earn money online, but so far, none have been successful. Can you please assist me?

    Chase Chandler · April 11, 2024 at 5:30 pm

    WA’s ability to stay on top of today’s tools like A.I. does help show their ability to stay relevant and helpful for their community. And the community does really breathe life into it! There is always activity visible, always someone working. It’s encouraging to keep pushing through. As far as making money online, go ahead and reach out to me via the WA platform and we can continue the conversation there – definitely willing to help as best as I can!

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