Exercising in front of other people can be embarrassing and some of us don’t have the body, confidence, or desire to show off our “talent” as we breathe heavy and sweat profusely.

Best Online Yoga Videos-YogaDownload.com Review

I’ve had many friends lose SO much weight with “at-home” programs such as P90X or Zumba and I personally prefer to exert myself in semi-amateur yoga poses at home without the scrutiny of others (or the instructor). I’m not as flexible as I want to be!

Sound familiar?

Don’t feel abandoned if you’re a shy yogi trying to save money with ineffective YouTube videos, because there is another option out there for people like you and me! Technology sure is becoming helpful for us introverts.

YogaDownload Logo 1With 10-years of online success, YogaDownload.com is the leading source for high-quality at-home yoga instruction with over 20 styles of yoga, 80+ different instructors and channels, 450+ music albums for sale, and nearly 1,000 informative articles. Their community of over 200,000 members span across 53 countries (and counting) and help to encourage challenges, improvement, and giving back to the world.

Other reviews of YogaDownload.com don’t do it justice, so I’m very excited to share this wonderful resource in a new light!

Organization of this article:

  • What is YogaDownload.com?
  • Benefits of Doing Yoga
  • How It Works
  • Pros
  • Cons
  • Pricing Breakdown

What is YogaDownload.com?

“YogaDownload” is an online-based service that provides more variety of yoga videos than you can imagine, while also offering challenges, packages, classes, instructions pose videos and much more!

Here’s the layout of the site in a nutshell:

  • Classes (free online classes, charity classes, meditation, yoga challenges)
  • Yoga Styles (27 styles to choose from including beginner, Pilates, power, prenatal/postnatal, yoga in Spanish, etc.)
  • Programs (beginner, fitness, detox/cleanse, therapy, chakras, online yoga teacher certification program, etc.)
  • Retreat (first ever YogaDownload retreat in August held in Colorado!)
  • Instructors (87 different instructors/channels)
  • Music (450+ available music albums varying from yoga to meditation and beyond)
  • Poses (yoga pose videos and printable pose guides)
  • Blog (960+ informative articles offered to the public)
  • Other (customer support, gift certificates, donations, newsletter, etc.)

YogaDownload is a huge conglomerate of world-renowned, certified yoga instructors sharing their expertise in high-quality videography and high-def audio.

There are so many options when it comes to at-home instruction, but it is hard to beat their mobile-friendly capability and unlimited streaming options (with membership).

So if you want to take a yoga class with you on the road by downloading it or quickly open a class in your home by streaming, the convenience is difficult to match.

(YouTube does not compare people!)

YogaDownload VideoI love that YogaDownload gives back.

With all their success, they stay rooted in the foundation of yoga’s spirituality by helping others and the countries they affect. As they put so wonderfully, giving back is a critical element in “enriching our lives.”

Here’s all the programs YogaDownload is associated with:

  • Give Back Yoga Foundation
  • American Cancer Society
  • FINCA – Foundation for International Community Assistance
  • Plan USA
  • Cambodian Children’s Fund
  • Yoga for Peace (a YogaDownload FREE 6-month member for active military, veterans, and Peace Corps started in 2008)
  • Read YogaDownload’s “ABOUT” page here!

My first reaction in judging a large company is to check the about page. Though they’re a bit vague on their origin story, they do pride themselves in creating and maintaining a community through the sharing of ideas and financial aid.

YogaDownload is helping quite a number of organizations and non-profit for being an online-based company.

Benefits of Doing Yoga

OK, but why pay money to follow these instructional yoga videos?

Having a resource like YogaDownload at your disposal can help inspire you to do more yoga in general! And the benefits of yoga are worth restating for the purpose of this article.

Most of you already know the benefits, but I’ll list the main ones briefly to help put value to what YogaDownload is actually providing (in short, they’re providing tools to improve mental and physical health!).

Benefits of yoga:

  • Improved sleep, flexibility, athletic performance, balance, joint health, posture, etc.
  • Reduced chronic pain, lower stress levels, and relief from back pain
  • Increased muscle tone, energy, bone density, body awareness, self-acceptance, positive thoughts
  • Weight loss, immunity boost, and mental calmness

YogaDownload ScreenshotI won’t go into detail about why these benefits occur or have been proven. But, if you’re truly curious about the benefits of yoga, I would like to suggest reviewing this article from the American Osteopathic Association.

Consider reading about the top 14 styles of yoga here!

Yoga is often underestimated. When physically holding yourself in difficult poses while breathing and maintaining a sense of calm can prepare your mind for difficult positions or situations in life.

Definitely research more about the mental benefits if you don’t already know!

For now, I’ll continue reviewing YogaDownload.com!

How It Works

YogaDownload.com has a three-step process with so many varieties in these simple steps that tailoring your perfect yoga session can be quite an empowering step on your first day!

  1. Browse classes by style, focus, or instructor
  2. Download or stream HD instructional video
  3. Begin your yoga session alongside the video at home or one the road (compatible with phones, tablets, Roku, game consoles, etc.)

Eric Paskel Free Yoga Class

Though it is a simple process, they do a great job with giving their community choices upon choices with thousands of videos and more instructors than you might ever need – all of which are chosen with high-standards set by YogaDownload.com.

The above photo shows an example of a great yoga video offered for FREE for those who sign in to YogaDownload.

Click here to view Eric Paskel’s FREE yoga class!

Another little tidbit – the other student in the video aren’t super great at balancing. It allows for the instructor to show how to fix issue while also making you feel better about yourself! (Such as “oh, well I’m better than that guy!”)


For easy clarification, I’ll review the advantages of YogaDownload as compared to other at-home yoga instructionals or the infamous YouTube. Here are the pros:

  • Not a gimmick or a scam
  • Convenient
  • Huge variety
  • HD Quality
  • Affordable (5 different membership options)
  • Unlimited streaming and downloads
  • New classes added weekly
  • Perfect for any level
  • Easy to follow instructions
  • Different level students in videos to allow for more realism
  • Cheaper than studio classes
  • Community of over 200,000 members
  • 10 years of online yoga
  • 9.5 out of 10 (TrustPilot rating based on 200+ reviews)

What stands out the most to me is their variety, their membership options, and the decade of experience YogaDownload has used to perfect their service.

YogaDownload Website

Everything on their website is easy to navigate and easy to read – the graphic design and website layout is wonderfully organized. Finding classes and yoga instructors is made extremely easy with their advanced filters and customizable criteria settings.


There are a few things YogaDownload can’t improve upon just because of the nature of their service. So while these cons do apply to YogaDownload, they apply to most (if not all) other services like it.

  • No socialization (introverts stay introverts!)
  • Must rely on “self” motivation to get started
  • No personal attention from instructors
  • Costs money (monthly or annually)
  • No options to Skype with instructor

The biggest downside of using at-home instructional services is that it is, well… at home!

Part of the issue with using internet services is that it will never be better than in person services – we will always compare to in-person yoga studios where you can meet friends, ask questions, and join a community (not just online).

But, if you’re needing to save money or want to improve your skill before doing yoga in front of others, then you really can’t find a better route than online yoga videos.

Pricing Breakdown

As with any online services, pricing options can be hard to find after scrolling through information and sales tactics.

So to make your life easier and to help YogaDownload out (because their prices are fair), I’ll clearly list them below or you can visit their membership page here.

$1 (2-week trail) Unlimited class streaming 2 class downloads 50% off all programs and packages
$12 (monthly) Unlimited class streaming 2 class downloads 50% off all programs and packages
$18 (monthly) Unlimited class streaming Unlimited class downloads & programs Costs $0.60 per day
$40 (per 3 months) Unlimited class streaming Unlimited class downloads & programs FREE programs & packages
$120 (per year) Unlimited class streaming Unlimited class downloads & programs Costs $0.33 per day

Want to save up to 33%?

Follow this link, scroll down to their yoga challenge and get the discount!

Yes! I want to save up to 33% off my YogaDownload membership!

It’s not a secret, but they do make it hard to find! Scroll down past their information about their “Boot Camp” challenge and sign up for a membership through one of the link below! That easy. Your welcome 😉

But, I’m not sure how long this challenge and the associated membership discount will last – so sooner rather than later, right? It’s still up as of July 5, 2018!


As far as yoga videos go for online instruction, nothing compares to YogaDownloads options, variety, quality, and experience in the industry.

YogaDownload Logo 2
The fact they give back to their community and continuing improve their service (by adding weekly classes and providing an online yoga instructor certification program), YogaDownload.com is a masterpiece in maintaining or improving your yoga routine.

Curious to try YogaDownload without spending money? Try their free online classes by clicking here!

Overall, I would highly recommend this online video service.

I’ve tried a couple already and plan to continue their service for a bit longer to get a grip of some harder poses. Their instructional pose videos and printable pose guides are very handy when practicing on your own!

I hope this article helped! If you’re interested in more yoga type articles, you might benefit from my other in-depth articles:

Have you tried YogaDownload before? What is your opinion? Let me know and share in the comments below!

Best of luck with all your yoga adventures!

Thanks for reading. And as always, feel free to sign up for the newsletter to hear more from me and my in-depth research!


July 2018

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