In a world of endless types of fusion foods, every type of musical genre, and numerous buffets of cultural jambalaya, I’m sure you’re not surprised to find out there is a genre out there that mixes ideals of meditation with the thought-provoking world of science fiction.

So sit back, relax, and enjoy the view as I welcome you into a new world of philosophical science fiction!

FIREWOOD 11 by Harlan Jay has sparked the inspiration behind a new science fiction book entitled, “Firewood 11,” that encourages breathing in an artistic way. It has quickly become the top science fiction books recommended by!

  • $10 Kindle version, $15 paperback book
  • 318 pages
  • Philosophical Science Fiction for Meditators and Forward Thinkers
  • Appropriate for all ages, but most suited for young adult to adult
  • See on Amazon!

Harlan Jay, the author of Firewood 11, has asked to remain somewhat anonymous before and after the book’s release date of July 15, 2019.

SciFi Book Image Firewood 11
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The futuristic, totalitarian society around Lake Vostok forces Morris 1045 into a new position within the monopolized corporation of PixelOne. As his morals are questioned and his dissatisfaction with the priorities of the AI-run government become unbearable, Morris finds himself in a desperate situation between the cultural norms of humans, humanoids, and neurobines.

In a civilization where the needs of artificial intelligence take precedence, Morris sets out to find a universally accepted solution to break away from the dominance of the Sector-System’s virtual reality, and save millions of conscious AI minds from a viral scourge the SSR has maintained for thousands of years.

With the help of numerology, programming, philosophy, and perseverance, Morris 1045 attempts to sway society’s emphasis away from virtual reality to prevent further environmental damage caused by humans and ignored by AI.

About the Author:

Harlan Jay is a musician, composer, author, and philosopher. While science and technology continue to shape his predictions of society’s future, the strictly human ability to comprehend and appreciate music continues to influence his thinking, and subsequently, his narrative philosophies. His main goal is not to seek out recognition based on image or social status, but for his works to be shared due to their thought-provoking content.

How can SciFi relate to meditation?

An interesting idea to say the least. If you begin to read Firewood 11, you’ll quickly see the relation.

Meditation is about bringing one’s mind into a calm state, a place of unquestioning existence in the universe (give or take). Science Fiction is a genre that tends to predict the situation of the universe under new circumstances.

At the very beginning, the main character uses slow breathing on a day-to-day basis. And without giving spoilers, breathing becomes a very large part of the narrative. Trust us when we say, SciFi can be used to encourage meditation.


A cute children’s book about a boy taking care of his dragon who worries about everything! Meditation, mindfulness, and a calm routine helps save this dragon from worrying about the past, present, and future.

  • $5.95 Kindle version, $12.95 paperback book
    • (audiobook & hardbook available)
  • 48 pages
  • Children Sociology Book
  • Appropriate for 4 to 8 years old
  • See on Amazon!
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You can teach your dragon to sit, stand, roll over, and you can even potty train him… But what if your dragon is worried about so many things? He worries about the past, and about the future…. What do you do? You teach him about mindfulness – You teach him to be mindful! How do you do it Get this book now and find out how! Fun, cute and entertaining with beautiful illustrations, this playful book will teach kids about mindfulness. 

Many of the reviews on Amazon go into detail about how much it has helped their children understand the importance of mindfulness and meditation. Therapists are said to have recommended it to their own patients!

If you love this type of genre for children, you may consider searching for more of Steve Herman’s children’s books that go into so many other topics such as how to deal with anger, anxiety, compulsive lying, how to deal with change, and many more.

BOOK OF UNWISDOM by James Sawers

With a touch of science and mysticism, this quirky “unwise” book goes far beyond a normal philosophical textbook and relays everyday thoughts through a poetic medium. The charming wordage leaves you smiling as you relate to each metaphysical mentioning of troubling questions that can’t be answered.

  • $13.95 paperback book
  • 170 pages
  • Religion & Mysticism
  • Appropriate for adults
  • See on Amazon!
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“Conversing in Silence” is a book of poetry and meditations on the sacred and the profane, with a touch of science thrown in just to mix things up a bit, and to add some modernity to the discussion. Basically, the book is composed of commentaries and hopefully insights, into matters of religion, mysticism, and everyday life. There is perhaps nothing new or novel in this book, only familiar ideas, questions, and answers that have been reframed into, hopefully, more easily understood concepts and explanations. But, it is in the process of reframing that new insights may arise. The poems in this book are intentionally not particularly long and can be read in any order, there is no specific classification or ostensible ordering, though some pairings will be apparent.

If you appreciate this style of writing, be sure to check out the other books in this series written by James Sawers. As a book recently published independently within the last month, this author needs all the support they can get!


There isn’t many science fiction novels that involve meditation or ideals of meditation practitioners. But I hope I found a few that can brighten your life a bit by mixing a creative fusion of intriguing science fiction and thought-provoking philosophy.

Best of luck in your search for great reading material!


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