If you love coconut and happiness, try it in a bottle. 

Vita Coco is a favorite among the coconut lovers community for many reasons and after trying many different brands, I’m convinced Vita Coco is the best you can find when it comes to coconut water!

Vita Coco Coconut WaterNot convinced?

Let me take some time to explain that amazing benefits behind Vita Coco’s coconut water that has become my wife and I’s most favorite drink! (We drink too many as it is… probably an unhealthy amount).

Organization of this article:

  • What is Vita Coco?
  • Benefits of Coconut Water
  • Pros of Vita Coco
  • Cons of Vita Coco

What is Vita Coco?

Vita Coco is often the name referring to their brand of coconut water which has been around more than 10 years! The company’s name is “Vita Coco” and while they sell coconut water mostly, they do have other really cool products such as coconut oil, coconut milk, Coco Cafe Mocha Coffee, and plenty of other creative flavors.

While this article mostly reviews their coconut water, the company itself is worth describing a bit because they’re actually far more credible than the “gimmicky” design style might suggest.

Vita Coco ReviewEstablished in 2003, Vita Coco produced their first drink in Brazil with founders (and best friends) Mike Kirban and Ira Liran. This company began functioning in NYC and became a sensation among popular names such as Rihanna, Madonna, and Matthew McConaughey. From a small company over 15 years ago, to a global brand now distributing to dozens of countries, Vita Coco has grown to serve a large population of coconut lovers.

Vita Coco, as a coconut water drink, is an amazingly hydrating option that is never from concentrate and always full of nutrients and electrolytes. The only ingredients in Vita Coco’s drink is coconut water, less than 1% fruit sugar, and vitamin C. As a verified NON GMO project drink, you can rest assured it is 100% natural and truly a “straight from the coconut” kind of taste.

What are coconuts?

Coconuts are technically a drupe (like plums, cherries, peaches, etc.) with 4 parts: outer hunk, inner shell, coconut meat, and coconut water. The water is usually taken from young coconuts about 6 to 7 months of age, but can sometimes be found in more mature coconuts over 10 to 12 months old.

The coconuts used for Vita Coco are sourced from “thousands of farmers” throughout Brazil and Southeast Asia (Thailand, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, etc.) and the drink itself is produced in the Philippines with 100% juice (or in this case coconut water).

Nutrition facts (as seen in the photo above) state it has 35mg of salt per serving, 470 mg of potassium, and 11g of carbohydrates (10g of which is natural sugar). It is gluten free and has no fats, cholesterol, or protein, but it does have vitamin C and some calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus.


Vita Coco coconut water is really very tasty and very beneficial. The company itself has a great purpose and serves its international community well.

Click here to view Vita Coco on Amazon!

Keep reading for more details about the benefits, pros, and cons of their coconut water! There a few more things to cover.

Benefits of Coconut Water

Coconut water has become more and more popular and not just because of its amazing taste! The benefits might surprise you and have you drinking it every day like my wife and I!

Here are the main benefits of coconut water:

  • Source of nutrients
  • Antioxidants
  • Help against diabetes
  • Can prevent kidney stones
  • Supports heart health
Vita Coco BenefitsSource of Nutrients

Coconut water is different than coconut milk (which contains bits of coconut meat, only half water, and is high in coconut fat). The water found in the center of coconuts is about 94% water and a little fat with one cup about 46 calories with about 9 nutrients:

  • Calcium (6% RDI)
  • Sodium (11% RDI)
  • Potassium (17% RDI)
  • Manganese (17% RDI)
  • Magnesium (15% RDI)
  • Vitamin C (10% RDI)
  • Protein (2 grams)
  • Fiber (3 grams)
  • Carbs (9 grams)
VitaCoco Nutrition Facts

Although there are no direct studied of the antioxidant effects of coconut water on humans, a few animal research studies have concluded improvement of stress in rats with liver-damage. Rats with a high-fructose diets were noticeably effects by coconut water by their decrease blood pressure, triglycerides and lowered insulin levels.

Essentially, it is safe to believe coconut water have antioxidant characteristics that help defend cells again free radicals. This can in turn help humans maintain proper fluid balance making it a great high-electrolyte sports beverage.

Helps Against Diabetes

Research studies have shown that diabetic animals drinking coconut experience lower blood sugar levels, lower hemoglobin, and a reduction of malondialdehyde (MDA). Coconut water has yet to be directly confirm beneficial for diabetic humans, but its potential shows possible involvement in diabetic meal plans.

May Prevent Kidney Stones

Kidney stones is usually preventable by drinking plenty of water, but one study suggests that coconut water might be even better than plain water!

A study involving rats with kidney stones proved that coconut water lowered the number of crystals formed in the urine as well as prevented the few crystals from sticking to the urinary tract and kidneys. Because of the reduction of free radical production due to the high oxalate levels in urine (due to coconut water), there is great promise in determining direct benefits for humans drinking coconut water.

Supports Heart Health

One small study proved significant improvements to systolic blood pressure in people (drinking coconut water) with high blood pressure (about 71% found improvement). Due to the potassium content in coconut water (an outstanding 600 mg in 8 oz), lower blood pressure is a direct result in people with high to normal blood pressure.

Another animal study proved that coconut water has some anti-thrombotic characteristics that can also help prevent blood clots. Rats, in one study, experience reductions in triglycerides, liver fat, and blood cholesterol when drinking coconut water. It was proven accurate when these same researchers conducted the same experiment and found similar results: a reduction in triglyceride and cholesterol levels.

Many convincing results have been found from countless animal-testing studies, but only a few direct studies can attest to human benefits from drinking coconut water. Still, it is all very intriguing and promising (to say the least).

Vita Coco Hydration

Pros of Vita Coco

Apart from the benefits listed above, there are a few benefits of this particular brand of coconut water. Not only does bottle design remind the drinker of a tropical paradise, but the trust in Vita Coco is unparalleled.

  • 100% coconut water
  • World’s best selling coconut water
  • Natural hydration (vitamins, nutrients, electrolytes, etc.)
  • Low calories: 45 calories per serving (with more potassium than a banana!)
  • Low sugar (10g per serving)
  • Fat-free, gluten-free, NON-GMO
  • Save $14 by buying Amazon’s 12-pack!
  • Multiple flavors (Pineapple, Lemonade, Peach & Mango)

The taste is amazing!

My wife and I have tried a few different brands such as ZICO (more expensive), Naked (even more expensive), O.N.E. (most expensive), this other type that tasted like sunscreen, and we have concluded Vita Coco to be the best tasting. 

Save money!

We were buying 4 at a time at our nearest grocery store (Ralph’s) at about $2 or so each, but Amazon sells them in a pack of 12 for only about $11! Talk about saving money. True coconut water for this price is almost unsettling. Almost all other brands of coconut water are more expensive than Vita Coco.

Save time!

Many sites that inform you of coconut water benefits tell you to buy young coconuts and to drink the water within a few weeks of purchase. It might be around $2 to $4 to buy each coconut, but think about Vita Coco’s solution. No need to store multiple coconuts in your fridge! You can store 100% pure coconut water in easy to drink containers that don’t take over your fridge or cause you to plan your day around drilling a hole in each coconut.

Taste is everything!

And the taste truly is great. I mentioned one of the brands my wife and I bought tasted like sunscreen (and I tried multiple times to drink a single bottles, but I couldn’t finish one!). Vita Coco is amazing and my wife and I can’t get enough. I’ve already finished one Vita Coco while writing this article and I already want another!

Cons of Vita Coco

Really, there aren’t many things I would complain about when it comes to Vita Coco. But if I was to be picky, their design is kind of bright. I wouldn’t be proud drinking straight from the bottle at the gym because it is rather “cheesy.”

I also am not sure why Vita Coco hasn’t implemented Fair Trade regulations. They boast about their international recognition and how they employ thousands of farmers, but it’s hard to tell how well they are treated. I also have a high standard after learning about the company, So Well, who treat each worker fairly and pay them adequately. It is definitely something Vita Coco needs to consider, before my rating of their company reaches 5 out of 5.


When it comes to hydrating, mix things up and try some coconut water every now and then. 

With it’s many benefits and affordability, it is hard to deny the reasons why you shouldn’t! My wife and I tried it once out of the same reasoning and we haven’t looked back. Once we tasted the sweet, refreshing water of coconuts, we haven’t wanted any other juice (except maybe orange juice!).

For only $11, Vita Coco has made it amazingly affordable to access 100% pure coconut water 24/7.

I’m so glad I had the chance to recommend Vita Coco’s coconut water because there is truly a reason behind this trend of tasty hydration! From minerals to electrolytes, from potassium to 94% water, coconut water is almost better than plain water! So why not give it a shot!

Vita Coco Review 12-Pack

Have you had coconut water? What do you think? Which is your favorite brand? (Hint: Vita Coco). I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

Interested in other trends?

Try reading about Himalayan Pink Salt Lamps – they’re amazing too!

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Thanks for reading!


June 2018

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